2 min readDec 10, 2023


There's just one small problem :)

Mathematics in and of itself is meaningless and without form.

You cannot sense 'number' in any way.... you can only Know it.

Knowing-number is a function of Awareness/Consciousness.

Science is simply a process through which the rules of the apparent world (apparent in and to Consciousness) are made explicit.

The most rigorous theories use mathematics to model the form of theoretical objects (quantum field, sub-atomic particles, atoms, molecules, proteins, cells… all the way up to stars, galaxies, clusters, and the background radiation), and their theoretical properties (mass, charge, spin, etc), along with specified theoretical constants (Fine-structure Constant, etc), as well as theoretical laws (Conservation of Momentum, etc) that together describe their theoretical behavior.

There is usually a long chain of mathematics (including the maths embedded in the devices used in any experiment, as well as those used to display the results) that links the theoretical behaviour to the observations.

A theory is held to be valid when the theoretical behaviour of the theoretical objects reliably (though not necessarily perfectly) maps or predicts the observed behaviour of observed objects.

That is all.

No science can ever say anything about the ‘true nature’ of apparent things, nor of this Consciousness in which and to which all theories and observations appear.

Not can it ever say anything about ‘meaning’, or the ‘lived experience’. What it is to experience a dawn over the desert, or the thrill and terror of battle to the death, or the hug of a child, or an argument with the boss, or the disgust at a rotting pile of garbage, or the strains of a Mozart symphony or the heady beats of an African drum… or anything else about what it is to experience ‘life’.

